
Welcome To Opinions Take Flight

Who are we?

Opinions Take Flight is a free online survey community created exclusively for members of the HawaiianMiles® program. Opinions Take Flight provides HawaiianMiles® members the unique opportunity to share their opinions and be rewarded with HawaiianMiles® for doing so.

Your opinion matters

Companies around the world value opinions of the people using their products. Who better than you, a consumer, to say what you like or dislike about a certain product? Your participation in surveys with Opinions Take Flight can influence and improve the products and services you use on a daily basis.

Opinions Take Flight is a community that offers you the opportunity to fill out surveys that benefit the world around you and get rewarded HawaiianMiles® for doing so. It's a win-win!

Here's why it's worth it

At Opinions Take Flight, we understand time is precious. With that in mind, it's important that as a member you are rewarded for your time and effort. Each time you complete a survey, you will be rewarded with HawaiianMiles®. The HawaiianMiles® that you earn here will automatically be deposited into your HawaiianMiles® account for you. The more surveys you complete, the more miles that will be placed into your HawaiianMiles® account.